about us


haddam democrats

The Haddam Democratic Town Committee is committed to improving the quality of life for all Haddam residents by ensuring we have good schools, walkable and livable communities, outdoor recreation, and high-quality town services provided in a fiscally responsible manner. We believe in open, forward-thinking government and work toward the election of exceptional candidates who share our values and our vision.



The Haddam Democrats support smart growth strategies that can help us achieve our goals for growth and development while maintaining our distinctive rural character and historical charm. We support planning for context-appropriate commercial and economic growth in our town centers, where businesses can thrive on walkable streets. We work to encourage increased density in these village nodes while protecting residential areas from spot zoning. We advocate for policies that support walking, biking, and public transit to help reduce air pollution from vehicles while saving people money and encouraging health and fitness. All of our work is done through careful consideration and always through the lens of our fantastic Plan of Conservation and Development.


Haddam Democrats believe that a strong public education is the backbone of our community. Great schools encourage families to move to town and for young people to find purpose and success in their lives. This supports economic development and community vibrancy.

For HK to be the best in Connecticut, we must collectively:

  • Support high-quality academics, social-emotional learning, athletics, music and the arts for all of our students;

  • Ensure that all students feel confident in their life after high school by promoting college, the trades, public service, the military, and a strong work ethic; and

  • Prepare our students for a rapidly diversifying 21st-century economy by encouraging critical thinking, teamwork, empathy, and humility.

Haddam Democrats believe that we must work together to support all children and that by doing so, we can solve difficult problems and achieve greatness.


We support plans to protect our rural landscape and help preserve open space, protect air and water quality, provide places for recreation, and create tourist attractions that bring investments into the local economy.

 “our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.


how do I join the HDTC?

You must be a registered democrat to be nominated and voted into The Haddam Democratic Town Committee itself. However, you don’t have to be a member to come to our meetings. They are open to any registered Democrat or unaffiliated resident of Haddam, Higganum, or Haddam Neck. You can participate in discussions and activities and you can run for office,  but you only have DTC voting privileges when you are a member of the HDTC.  You can be nominated for membership at our meetings. To learn more, reach out to our DTC Chair.


our leadership 

Tim Jarrell, chair

KATE WESSLING, vice chair


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