Why I am running for the Board of Education: Working together to make District 17 stronger

Ten years ago, my wife and I were looking to relocate, and a town with an exceptional public school system was high on our list of priorities.  Since growing up in neighboring towns, we knew the Region 17 school district had a great reputation and focused our search in the Haddam/Killingworth area.  We ended up settling in Haddam and presently have two children in the school system.

Since relocating, the Region 17 school district has not disappointed us. The teacher to student ratios, the extra professional staff in the classrooms, dedicated teachers/staff and administrators, as well as the challenging and rigorous curriculum puts the district above others.

My goals, if I am fortunate to be elected to the Board, will include listening; listening to students, parents/caregivers, teachers, administrators, staff, experts and fellow board members.  It takes a strong community to educate dynamic students and actively listening is paramount to the success of all students.

I also want to make sure the curriculum for K–12 is focused on critical thinking and problem solving.  Whether you work in an office, own your own business, learn a vocational trade, enlist in the military, being able to problem solve is a critical skill needed to succeed.  I have a Bachelor’s degree in History, an MBA and I have worked in higher Education/Educational technology for the last 20 years. Being able to problem solve and work well with others has helped me succeed in my career and it is that process that will help our youngest community members succeed in the future.

Related, I want to encourage a diverse and well-rounded curriculum for students.  There are important core subjects such as reading, writing, math, sciences, the arts, and social studies that students should be taught while in K-12.  In addition to these core subjects, having a diverse and well-rounded foundation of “life” skills will help students succeed after graduation as the world is increasingly diverse.

Bullying and harassment are unfortunately prevalent in many school districts, especially with the rise of social media.  I will focus on a strong anti-bullying and anti-harassment policy where no one should feel uncomfortable attending school.  I feel there should be zero tolerance when bullying and harassment are involved and this applies across the entire school district.

Finally, I strongly feel social and emotional health should be a focus of the school district going forward.  Even before the COVID pandemic, there was sobering data about students with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.  The district should have a campaign to let the students know it is OK not to be OK.  Whether it is a short term issue or a long term issue, students should feel comfortable talking to someone and getting the help they need.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to working together to make District 17 stronger!

Stephen Bayley
Higganum, CT


Brenda Buzzi’s Reason for Board of Education Reelection


Why I’m Running for Board of Education: A Path for Every Kid