You Belong at H-K

To all the families that are considering a move to Haddam or Killingworth, we will be blunt: You belong at H-K. To all the families that already reside here: We are happy you are here, and you belong at H-K.

You belong regardless of your identity, race, religion, sexual orientation, country of origin, interests, gender, or beliefs.

You belong because you are you.

Our goal is to support a school district that honors your individuality and introduces you to the diversity and complexity of the 21st century. By doing this, you will feel prepared to tackle hard problems, invent new solutions and improve our world.

We want to hear your voice, understand your perspective, and level with you in an open and transparent way.

We may not always agree on issues, but we will treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve as a human being.

H-K is at its best when all members of its community feel included and respected. And, we must be purposeful in our school programming to create a welcoming environment. We will focus on ideas to make your lives better, and model good citizenship along the way.

You belong here, and we are excited to watch you grow.

Hamish MacPhail         Brenda Buzzi        Steve Bayley
Higganum                  Higganum            Higganum


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